Helping Tweens navigate changes in their lives

Are you looking for a course to help you and your tween/teenage daughter to navigate the changes that are coming in her life?

Our teenagers are going through so many changed in their lives, the First Moon Circle is a great opportunity for you to have quality one on one time with your tween to help them explore, navigate, and understand this journey.

Saturday 26th October 2024 

Suitable for girls aged between 9 to 13 years old.
This is a 3-hour Soul Circle for tween daughters and their mothers (or significant female in their lives).

Course Outline

One of the most sacred rites of passage for girls is going through menarche (the first occurrence of menstruation).

Completing this practical and educational course that also spiritually honours and empowers this transitional phase from girl to woman, not only benefits your tween, but will also form a bond and better understanding between you.

A value packed, once in a lifetime event, the participating girls are given a self-love pack including:

  • Samples of natural organic period products
  • A moon journal, some chocolate and a bath bomb
  • A self-love essential oil roller. A specific mix of essential oils blended for self care during menstrual periods
  • Plus other samples of educational and empowering products
  • A ‘cycle of the seasons’ crystal beaded bracelet which is made with mum

For Tweens

The benefits for your tween or teenager will include the following:

  • Your daughter accepts and embraces her body’s changes, so that she can feel more confident. Empowered, she will have the ability to express herself, with improved self-worth.
  • She will have greater Understanding and respect her body more, while deepening the connection to the different changes of her body.
  • Acceptance of how this can be the most empowering time of her life.

For Mothers

The benefits for you will include:

  • Celebrating an important milestone of your daughter’s life. Understanding that this has been a century old tradition between Mothers and Daughters that you are continuing to value as your daughter comes into womanhood.
  • Creating a better Connection and bond with your daughter, as she goes through this phase of menarche, which is usually between the age of 9 – 13 years old in girls (tweens).
  • You will be held and supported in a sacred spaced together with your daughter to open the channels of Communication and hear her needs and share your wisdom.

For your family

This program does more than focus on you and your daughter, but also helps with the greater family unit:

  • Creating and instilling the tools to help created a stronger connection with your daughter. This will help you feel present, connected and grow.
  • You will be able to support your daughter as a family unit, embracing understanding and continued support throughout these once in a lifetime cycles.


Saturday 26th October 2024


$200 + booking fee includes Mother and Daughter


Level 1, 13 -17 Gymea Bay Road