General Questions

Question:       Do you have a Working with Children’s Check?

Answer:          Yes. The safety and protection of all the children and teenagers that I work with is a core element of any of my courses.

Question:       What happens if I purchase a ticket for one of your events, but something comes up and I can’t attend?

Answer:          Tickets that are purchased through Eventbrite (one of my booking partners) aren’t refundable.

If you contact us, we can discuss a transfer over to a future event or course, or to another individual.

Under extreme circumstances (and in consultation with Nicole Dargie) a 50% refund may be available if given 2 weeks’ notice, or a 25% refund if one weeks’ notice has been provided.

Question:       What if my teen identifies as a gender fluid individual?

Answer:          All our courses and events are aimed at creating a safe space, this includes being LGBTQIA+ friendly. We encourage individuals to share their preferred pronouns if they have any, such as she/her, they/them and him/his.

We welcome teens from all social, cultural, community and family backgrounds, and of all identities and abilities.

We are committed to our social and environmental impact.

Question:       What if my teenager or child doesn’t feel comfortable with having their photo taken, or if we would prefer that their photo not be taken?

Answer:          Before every event, we ask all attendees if they give consent to having their photo taken. These photos are taken for the sole purpose for sharing on social media or on my website. If no consent is given, we will honour their and your wishes.

Question:       What skills will my teenager learn?

Answer:          Your teenager will begin to understand that autonomy and responsibility of their own definition of their positive self-image is crafted and created at this time. They will be given the tools of discernment helping them to identify and eliminate negative self-talk and connect more with their higher self-lifting them more towards their authentic identity.

Question:       As a parent, what can I do to support my child or teenager through your course or event?

Answer:          Ask as many questions as you need to understand the process that we deliver, prior to and after the course, retreat or workshop. Gently remain open to allow and make space for your teen to move into a higher version of themselves as they discover this through doing this work. Also, by attending one of the adult online empowerment courses such as The Four Bodies or Integrating the Aspects of Self, you will be well on your way and equipped to be an empowered family united and synergised in your own self-created vision and goals.

Online Courses    

Question:       How are the sessions held?

Answer:          Sessions are held on Zoom, weekly throughout the course. The duration is usually for an hour, unless in some cases where there are more participants, the sessions may go a little over time.

Question:       What should I expect before the course?

Answer:         You will be sent a confirmation email with the overview and schedule of the dates of the weekly zoom sessions.

Before the session you will receive an email that will include:

  • Outline of what you need for the course.
  • A login and password for the site InspireSphere where all the course content will be.
  • Information on when you will be able to access InspireSphere before the course.

Question:       How do I pay for the course.

Answer:          Payments till be made via direct deposit into a nominated bank account. Once payment has been received, you will receive a confirmation email.

Question:       What can I expect during the course?

Answer:          Expect the Unexpected!

Metaphysical word will exceed your expectations and empower you beyond measure. You can expect to go through a change and shift in the way you see yourself and your world in a positive empowered light.

You will be doing powerful daily meditations which are pre-recorded and set work to support you through this journey.

You may be challenged as you grow and the community that is created through the online course will be a tremendous support.

There will be opportunities to share your journey and insights both on the Zoom call and within your breakout rooms.

Question:       What should I do after this course?

Answer:         Due to the nature of these courses that are highly charged powerful platforms, we recommend you continue with the daily practice to reap the full long-term benefit of what you created during the course.

These are foundational courses that open you up to taking further courses in self-mastery. These courses are offered by my teachers once you complete one or both online courses.

Question:       What support do I receive throughout the course?

Answer:          The course includes:

  • Weekly Zoom sessions, meditations, and daily tasks.
  • Reading material sourced from the online portal of InspireSphere
  • A one-on-one session with Nicole Dargie, offered once throughout the course for extra support, but only if needed.

In Person Courses

Question:         What time do the sessions start?

Answer:           We have two in person courses. Unless there is a change in venue, the start times are:

  • 11am – Inside Out Beauty
  • 12pm – First Moon Circle

Question:         Should I show up early for the lessons?

Answer:           We would love it if you arrived 15-20 minutes early. Not only does this give us an opportunity to finalise any forms that need to be filled in/completed, but it also gives you a chance to settle in, meet the other participants and relax into the space.

Question:         What locations do you use for the courses?

Answer:           We use several wellness centres within Cronulla as well as In Balance Caringbah. We can also hold private First Moon Circles can be held in your home for special occasion events and for interstate planned events.

Question:         Is there anything I should bring with me?

Answer:           We recommend wearing comfortable clothing for sitting on yoga mats, a water bottle. The one thing we recommend that you do come with is an open mind.

Question:         What if my Teen is feeling a bit anxious or uncomfortable about the course?

Answer:           Nicole will be happy to discuss any questions your teen might have before the event with the parents.

We also recommend that coming with a friend is always a great option to allow for them to have someone to share the experience and bond with within the course.

Nicole takes time to make each individual feel comfortable within the course, and discusses the difference between active or passive participation, and that they have the right to choose their level of participation throughout the course.

This is a safe space that allows our participants experience the course within their comfort zones.

School Courses

Question:         What Schools are you currently doing the Teen Empowerment Project at?

Answer:           Currently we are at Cronulla High, but we are looking at expanding to other High Schools within the Sutherland Shire.

Question:         I would like my teen to participate in the Teen Empowerment Project, how do I give my school the information about the course?

Answer:           We would love to talk to your teen’s school. Feel free to contact us at or use our Contact Form. We will contact the school and send them through the details of the course.

Question:         What equipment would my teen require for Empowerment Yoga in Schools?

Answer:           We recommend dressing in comfortable or flexible clothes and a water bottle.


Question:         How many staff members need to participate in the corporate sessions?

Answer:           Groups can be from 5 members to 20 members depending on the space where the session will be held.

If there are larger groups required, please advise at booking, and we can arrange for an assistant to cater for the larger group.

Question:        What items do we need to bring to these sessions?

Answer:           We recommend the following items for the Corporate Sessions:

  • A water bottle.
  • Comfortable, flexible, or loose clothing.
  • A Yoga mat.

Date:               Last updated: March 2022